Rabu, 01 Juli 2009

Sell My Art - 3 Common Questions Of Every Aspiring Artist

As an artist, part of your goal is most likely trying to find a way to earn a living while still having enough time to create your artwork. The best way to do this is to figure out how to sell your art for a profit. "How can I sell my art?" you ask? The good news is that it does not have to be difficult if you know how. The days of walking all over town begging art dealers and gallery owners to look at your portfolio are all but over.

I want to sell my art. Where do I start?

Put together your own website. Do this before you set up an eBay or some other account. Your website should both display photos of your artwork as well as information about you. Start a blog and devote part of it to your own craft. As you build an audience for your website, you will also grow the number of potential buyers you have!

How do I spread the word?

E-mail everyone you know about your website... your friends, family, co-workers, old professors, former colleagues and classmates. Everyone in your address book should get an e-mail about your new website and online art sales. Ask them to spread the work about your endeavor. Join some forums, both art related and not, and put a link to your website in your signature. Submit your site to search engines. Do not be afraid of self promotion!

I want to sell my art. How long will it take?

It is possible that you will be making sales and taking in profits on the same day that you put your website online, but this is not generally the case. More often than not, finding buyers can take some time. Keep at it and don't give up! The more you work at your marketing and the more you have up for sale, the more likely you will be to begin making those sales!

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